This is just a quick comparison of some images from the FujiFilm F200 EXR and the Canon S90. I had an interest in the S90 as it has Raw capability.

It also has a new sensor which promises good dynamic range (DR) and good high ISO output.

The following is pretty much the process I went through in evaluating the S90 output against the F200 EXR (which I own).


The first few images here are simply 100% comparisons of the F200 EXR and S90 ISO 1600 Jpeg's as shown on the Imaging Resource web site. These are viewed side-by-side in PhotoShop.

(Note : The F200 EXR is shot in SN mode here)

For the purposes of having some form of similarity between the 6 mp Fuji and the 10 mp Canon images, I resized both to 8 x 10.667 inches. This meant the Fuji went up a little, and the Canon down a little.

Fuji is left, Canon is right.


So, the next question is - Will using the S90 Raw file offer significant improvements over the Jpeg file ?

Here is the ISO 1600 Raw file opened in Adobe Camera Raw. The bright red areas are showing where the highlights are clipping.



Here is the Raw file viewed at 100 % in Adobe Camera Raw.


For the purposes of getting some before/after comparison, I have now imported the file to Lightroom.

Here is the S90 ISO 1600 file, as imported, and with the default LR settings.


In this next view, you can see that I have applied 100% Color noise reduction, 45% Luminance noise reduction and set sharpening to 0.


In the next image, I have simply applied Sharpening of 50.

So, what about ISO 800. The next two images show a similar process as applied to the ISO 1600 image.

First, the image as opened.

Second, after Color and Luminance NR (different values than the ISO 1600 image). Sharpening has again been set to 50.